Qbic Internet Solutions - www.qbic.co.uk


The domain name vault5.controlssl.co.uk is currently being hosted by Qbic Internet Solutions for one of our customers.

This is the default holding page for our web space. The site you are trying to view has been registered to Qbic, but no content has been uploaded as of yet.

If you have purchased hosting then you need to upload your content via FTP or FrontPage depending on which option you selected in your control panel.

The following are the file names you can use for the home page :

default.htm or index.htm
default.html or index.html
default.asp or index.asp (if you have ASP support on your account)
default.aspx or index.aspx (if you have ASP.NET support on your account)

If you are having problems with your hosting account then you can obtain support from : http://support.qbic.co.uk